Writers of Myanmar

*this post was updated in October 2017

Since the first writing of this post back in 2013, the list of Myanmar writers on Wikipedia has grown. On the site, there is some good info on most of the influential writers over the past century, though most have now passed on …

Unlike other countries, it is difficult to find a centralised list of living Myanmar writers with a small bio of their lives and work, at least in English.  As a result of this, it is challenging to inform and promote Myanmar literature overseas.  Even if the works of these writers are unavailable in translation abroad, just knowing who is writing in Myanmar today, what they are writing and what has possibly influenced their writing is a start in raising awareness of literature in this country.

I have been compiling a list of Myanmar writers and posting the individual profiles regularly on this site.

Please click on the profile link below which will direct you to the list of updated biographies or go to the homepage and scroll to the latest blog posts.


Featured Image credit@Ruben Salgado Escudero